
Empowering business

with Deep Learning

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IngenioAI Vision

IngenioAI Vision

We develop, improve, and boost partners’ business by applying Deep Learning

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Business AI

Business AI

Total Business AI Company Specialized in Time Series Data Analysis and Prediction

Time Series Data Analysis
& Prediction

  • Using AI technology to analyze big data for forecasting the future,
    trends and phenomena
  • Developing AI technologies needed in industrial setting
  • Creating AI technologies that support human decision-making

Business AI

  • Consulting for Applying Deep Learning to Client Businesses
  • Development of Deep Learning Model Training, Validation,
    and Deployment Solutions for Business Data
  • Technical Support for Client Deep Learning Model Development

AutoDL Solution

  • Deep Learning Modeling Based on Block Connections
  • Flexibility and Convenience in Model Configuration
  • Neural Architecture Search
  • Hyperparameter Optimization
  • ML Ops for Deployment and Management