Business AI
solution 1

AI Plant Operation

Problem Characteristics

  • An open problem that steel mills around
    the world have not solved

  • The interior of a blast furnace features temperatures over 1500 degrees Celsius and thick walls that make direct measurement challenging

  • Existing mathematical modeling and big data analysis have limitations

Deep Learning Model for Process Optimization

(Applied deep learning technologies : CNN, AutoEncoder, DenseNet, etc.)

Four branches
  • Temperature branch

  • Molten iron drainage branch

  • Tuyere branch

  • Operational data branch

Our novel Skip-dense layer
  • Fully-connected with Skip-connection

  • Performance gain for regression

  • Not suitable for classification

Research Paper

CIKM 2019

ACM International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management

Business AI
solution 2

AI Demand Forecasting - Traffic

Development of a Taxi Demand Forecasting and Dynamic Pricing Algorithm based on
Demand/Supply Imbalance

Data Utilized

[Seoul City Call Log Dat]

[Korea Meteorological Administration AWS Data]

Demand Forecasting Model Development

Wait Time Forecasting Model Development

National Project

Participation in IITP Personal Information Protection AI Platform Research and Development Project

Graduate School of Convergence Security

Graduate School of Law

Department of Artificial Intelligence, Graduate School

Department of Data Science and Convergence

Key Objectives of the Research
and Development Project


  • Development of Core Artificial Intelligence Algorithms that Comply with Personal Information Protection Policies
  • Development of Source Artificial Intelligence Algorithms that Flexibly and Adaptively Respond to Changes
  • Research on Privacy-Preserving AI Techniques that Maintain High Performance across Various Tasks


Development of a Platform with Data Anonymization Features and a Solution
for Assessing the Appropriateness of Policies

Business AI for All Industries

Specialized in Time Series Data Prediction/Analysis Solutions and Projects


Food & Beverage

Medical Devices

Life Sciences




Research and Partnership

For Research and Partnership Inquiries,
Please Contact Us via Email.
